Breaking The Cycle of Domestic Abuse

Engage | Educate | Empower
Book an Event or Workshop

Alpha Vesta’s Vision

To Break the Cycle of Domestic Abuse and Prevent Crisis


Alpha Vesta’s Mission

To Engage, Empower and Educate


What do we want to achieve?

We want to reduce the social and economic costs of domestic abuse across our communities through awareness, prevention and early intervention.


How will we do this?

Through engagement, empowerment and educating communities and workforces to recognise the early indicators of domestic abuse, respond effectively and create safe spaces for adults or children affected to reach out at the earliest point. 

The Social and Economic Costs of Domestic Abuse amount to an estimated £66 billion per year. £14 billion of this is a direct cost to the economy.

(Home Office, 2019)

Alpha Vesta People

2.3 million experienced domestic abuse in the last year

(ONS, 2024)


1 in 5 children experience domestic abuse in the home as they are growing up

(NSPCC, 2020)


1.4 million Police reported incidents of domestic abuse in the UK in the last year

(ONS, 2024)


15.8% of all offences recorded by the police were domestic abuse crimes

(ONS, 2024)

Our Services

  • Creating awareness campaigns, packages and resources.
  • Partnership Working with Statutory Agencies, Employers and Community Organisations
  • Providing a Community Advocate Scheme.
  • Supporting communication and PR activity around Domestic Abuse
  • Delivering a portfolio of community and workplace training sessions.

  • Designing and delivering bespoke training packages

  • Development of CPD Accredited Training Pathways

  • Provision of Consultancy Services to review and develop Domestic Abuse Policies, Procedures and Guidance.

  • Ensuring frontline and lived
    experience lies at the heart of our work

  • Managing a Survivor and Insight Network to drive best practice, future awareness and training provisions and policy development

  • Working with Employers and Employees to recognise the power of their role in breaking the cycle of domestic abuse.

"Very informative for someone like myself who hasn’t really been involved with issues around domestic abuse."

"I feel as if I can support a child in our school now who is on CIN plan (Child In Need)."

"The training is being really well received and the organisation is definitely seeing an increase in referrals and awareness re staff and patients."

"There are clearly actions we can now take, particularly from an HR perspective, to increase awareness, check policies & measures in place and provide tools for line managers. The handbooks will be really helpful as part of this."

"An excellent workshop that was so informative, everyone working with children or adults should attend this training. "

"Even though it was the second time I had heard this talk, it was just nice to have a refresher as I had forgotten bits especially on what we can do ourselves if a colleague ever needed guidance and how to ask those open questions. "

"This was a really excellent course from a diversity and inclusion perspective and I really valued the sensitive way Lucy spoke about different communities and provided broader context"

Contact Us

CPD Provider
Lottery Community Fund
brentwood Chamber
Essex Partnership
Police, fire and crime commissioner for essex
Essex Community Foundation

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