Lucy’s Update
Welcome to our January Newsletter
January sees all of our Core Training Sessions updated in line with new data released by the ONS in November 2022. Even if you have done our Core Sessions before, they do provide a great refresher if you would like to keep up to date with new data and research around domestic abuse.
In line with Alpha Vesta’s focus on awareness, prevention and early intervention around domestic abuse, we have launched a campaign on the build-up to Valentine’s Day 2023; alongside our Community Advocates.
We would like to promote meaningful conversations around healthy and unhealthy relationships and have launched our ‘Love and the Movies’ Survey! This is a short anonymous poll that asks you your thoughts about healthy and unhealthy relationships as well as think about what movies you’ve seen that perhaps promote either healthy or unhealthy relationships.

We will be launching some short interviews with our Community Advocates on their thoughts and movies as well as revealing the results in a blog just after Valentine’s Day. Both will also be available across our Social Media Platforms:
Facebook: @alphavesta
Instagram: @alpha_vesta_cic
LinkedIn: @Alpha Vesta
Twitter: @VestaAlpha
Please do encourage your friends, family and work colleagues to take part in the Survey and follow our social media pages.
Our ‘Male Culture and Domestic Abuse’ Webinar will also be running at the beginning of February. Tickets have nearly reached full capacity which is great to hear.
Myself and the Team have been working hard on our 2023-2025 Strategy and will soon be sharing news about the expansion of our Survivors Symposium into a number of different ‘Survivor and Employer Insight Groups’. This ensures that everything we do at Alpha Vesta places ground level research and frontline experience at the heart of everything that we do.
We hope you manage to dodge the cold in what looks to be a dip in temperatures this week and look forward to sharing more news next month.
Kind regards
Best wishes
Lucy Whittaker

Founding Director and Lead Trainer of Alpha Vesta CIC
Domestic Abuse in the News – links
In our Domestic Abuse in the News Section, I am highlighting a campaign that has been taking place in the US to reach people that may not associate what they are experiencing as Domestic Abuse. The Feeling Small Campaign was rolled out just before the Holiday period and makes for an interesting read.
Anti-domestic violence campaign says ‘no one should make you feel small’ (
Many of us will already be aware of the review into 1,600 cases of alleged sexual and domestic violence offences involving MET police officers. This is a troubling review but please remember not to tarnish all police officers with the same brush. My heart goes out to the alleged victims of these incidents whose voices can now be heard.
To balance the above article, I am drawing attention to an article released by the CPS (Crown Prosecution Service) with some short case studies where successful convictions for domestic abuse related incidents were achieved and what crime categories they fell under.
Dates for the Diary

Core 3: Impact of Domestic Abuse in the Workplace
25 January 2023
Click on the above link to access the Eventbrite link to book your place

Core 4: Impact of Domestic Abuse on Children
25 January 2023
Click on the above link to access the Eventbrite link to book your place.

Enhanced awareness: Domestic Abuse & Eating Disorders
1 February 2023
Click on the above link to access the Eventbrite link to book your place
National Support & Help
National 24hr Domestic Abuse Helpline 0808 2000 247 For women and children experiencing domestic abuse
Men’s Advice Line 0808 801 0327 For men experiencing domestic abuse
RESPECT 0808 802 4040 For those concerned that they may be using abusive behaviours
NSPCC Helpline 0808 800 5000 If you are concerned about a child
Samaritans 116 123 For those struggling in terms of their mental health and feeling in crisis
NCDV 0800 970 2070 free, fast emergency injunction service for survivors of domestic abuse
Essex Regional Support & Help
Alpha Vesta 01245 791281 For employers and employees concerned about a staff member
Compass 0330 333 7 444 Compass is being delivered by a consortium of established domestic abuse support agencies including; Safe Steps, Changing Pathways and The Next Chapter. The aim is to provide a single point of access for callers to speak with a trained member of staff who will complete an assessment and ensure contact is made with the most appropriate support service.
The Change Project 01245 258 680 Committed to preventing conflict in relationships and working with both perpetrators, victims and their children.
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