Lucy’s Update
We have had another incredibly busy month at Alpha Vesta with the launch of a brand new pilot project in partnership with The Department of Work and Pensions, the release of our survey on Male Culture around Domestic Abuse run by our Survivors Symposium as well as our new evening training sessions.
The ongoing legal battle between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard is taking up headlines at the moment. Whilst I’ve included a background to the case in our ‘Domestic Abuse in the News’ section, I’m cautious about commenting on the case until it’s reached its conclusion. One thing of note for me though, is that both my 21 year old daughter and 17 year old son are consistently watching the trial unfolding and the fantastic debates that we have had over the dinner table makes me smile – because that’s what we want Alpha Vesta to achieve – to talk about domestic abuse, understand the complexity that sits around it – and never has there been a case that has engaged young people more than this case – so I hope, at the very least, it turns into a massive learning opportunity for all our young people as it places domestic abuse in the spotlight.

‘Breaking the Cycle’ Programme in Partnership with The Department of Work and Pensions
In line with our mission of breaking the cycle of domestic abuse and placing communities and workplaces at the heart of that, we have begun a pilot project working in partnership with the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) across Essex. The project is a 6 Session Programme along with 1:1 Mentors for those in receipt of a working age benefit and who have experienced domestic abuse either in an intimate or family relationship at some point during their adult or childhood.
Clients begin their journey with us by having an initial chat followed by a risk and needs assessment to make sure they are in the right place to participate in the Programme and whether they would like a 1:1 Trained Mentor to support them in any specific areas.
At the end of the Programme, Clients will take part in a final post-programme assessment where they will receive their Certificate and a copy of their Safety and Support Plan to take them forward on the next stage of their journey.
You can watch our short animated video of the Programme
Male Culture Survey
There are many myths and stereotypes that exist around domestic abuse about who may be affected or impacted by it. Some are directly impacted – others are indirectly impacted as may be family members, friends, work colleagues or members of the community, male or female.
One theme that has emerged throughout our Survivors Symposium and Workforce Culture Reviews is that not only can men be victims of domestic abuse but they may also be seeing, hearing and noticing things around them that could indicate domestic abuse. There is often a lack of confidence and understanding to see the signs in their own relationship but also amongst people they know. This lack of confidence is fuelled by those myths and stereotypes that sit around domestic abuse.
Alpha Vesta’s Survivors Symposium wanted to place this hypothesis under a bit of scrutiny and have launched a COMPLETELY ANONYMOUS poll for anyone to distribute amongst as many men as possible amongst their family, friends, work colleagues and community.
Alpha Vesta have formed a working group within their Symposium to analyse the results which we hope, will allow us to create bespoke awareness packages and early intervention training.
Next month will see the launch of our CPD Accreditation on the ‘Impact of Domestic Abuse on Children and Young People as well as our Community Advocate Scheme. We look forward to sharing all our updates and news with you!
Take care and we hope to see you at one of our next training sessions.
Lucy Whittaker
Founding Director and Lead Trainer of Alpha Vesta CIC

It has been another busy month and I have continued to work my way around Essex to raise awareness of domestic abuse and the importance of engaging communities and workforces to break the cycle. The Coffee Morning at Starbucks on Canvey Island, was a great success and we were delighted to have a visit from the Area Manager who engaged totally with what we were trying to achieve. We were also joined by Maxine, a survivor of domestic abuse who was keen to talk to customers and staff about the importance of raising awareness and interviewed both Lucy and myself in a Facebook Live during the Coffee Morning itself. As a result, the Area Manager has asked all Starbucks Coffee Shops across Essex to host a coffee morning to raise awareness of domestic abuse and its impact. This is the power of communities and workforces at their best and we are so grateful to them for sharing our passion and mission. You can view the Facebook Live by clicking here.

Julie & Lucy @ Starbucks, Canvey Island

Starbucks, Canvey Island

Julie & Matt Robinson Shift Manager, Canvey Island
Dates for the Diary

Evening Session: Core 2: The Complexity of Domestic Abuse
Wednesday 18 May 7-9pm
brings you the second of our core sessions as an evening slot, following feedback from our attendees.

Domestic Abuse & Family Court Tilting the Axis
Monday 6 June 2pm-4pm
This 2 hr Webinar is for professionals working with those experiencing domestic abuse as well as within the legal arena.

Evening Session: Core 3: Impact of Domestic Abuse in the Workplace
Wednesday 15 June 7-9pm
brings you the third of our core sessions as an evening slot, following feedback from our attendees.
Domestic Abuse: in the news
National Support & Help
National 24hr Domestic Abuse Helpline 0808 2000 247 For women and children experiencing domestic abuse
Men’s Advice Line 0808 801 0327 For men experiencing domestic abuse
RESPECT 0808 802 4040 For those concerned that they may be using abusive behaviours
NSPCC Helpline 0808 800 5000 If you are concerned about a child
Samaritans 116 123 For those struggling in terms of their mental health and feeling in crisis
NCDV 0800 970 2070 free, fast emergency injunction service for survivors of domestic abuse
Essex Regional Support & Help
Alpha Vesta 01245 791281 For employers and employees concerned about a staff member
Compass 0330 333 7 444 Compass is being delivered by a consortium of established domestic abuse support agencies including; Safe Steps, Changing Pathways and The Next Chapter. The aim is to provide a single point of access for callers to speak with a trained member of staff who will complete an assessment and ensure contact is made with the most appropriate support service.
The Change Project 01245 258 680 Committed to preventing conflict in relationships and working with both perpetrators, victims and their children.
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